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 Airliners Downed in Anti-Missile Defense Test - 7. Special f

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MessageSujet: Airliners Downed in Anti-Missile Defense Test - 7. Special f   Airliners Downed in Anti-Missile Defense Test - 7. Special f Empty10/01/07

I rose off the seat as my sack contracted and pushed a stream of sperm out of my cock. This time my orgasm was so powerful it snapped my throat shut and I could only make a guttural groan. As I moved, she lowered herself to the bottom and began pulsing her cunt around my cock. I spurted into her again, and again - each glob of jizz sending jolts through my body. She put her hands around my neck, pulling our heads closer as she licked and nibbled the edge of my ear.

I breathed heavily as my body began to settle down. She leaned back and looked at me - a wide smile dominating her face. She ran one finger along my bottom lip and said, "Now, about my hours."
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Airliners Downed in Anti-Missile Defense Test - 7. Special f
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